masking tape

an easily removed adhesive tape used temporarily for defining margins, protecting surfaces, etc., as when painting, and sometimes also for binding, sealing, or mending.
Examples from the web for masking tape
  • After it dried, he ran masking tape across the fence and applied darker blue paint along the bottom.
  • Secure paper to pumpkin with masking tape or pushpins.
  • Better yet put a piece of masking tape on the back of your camera and write the note on that.
  • So the next time you're preparing to fly, go ahead and break out the masking tape.
  • The felt target and the feather eyelashes had been accepted, but there would be no sequins this time, and no masking tape.
  • Tape the ends of the gel tray, being sure that the masking tape is pressed firmly along the edges of the tray.
  • The lanterns are constructed using wooden dowels, masking tape, tissue paper and glue.
  • Use loops of masking tape to stick the metal cups to the wood.
  • Attach masking tape to a flat work surface, such as a table.
  • For safety, put masking tape over the edge of the knife.
British Dictionary definitions for masking tape

masking tape

an adhesive tape used to mask and protect surfaces surrounding an area to be painted